Friday, June 23, 2017


How fitting that it’s raining today…

It’s been 21 years now. 21 long years without my mom. And I miss her. GOD, do I miss her. I miss the smell of her Vanilla Musk perfume. I miss the sound of her high pitched “witchy” laugh. I miss the feel of her extra special motherly hugs. I just miss everything about her.

I’ve spent many of the last 21 years alone. Many times I’ve stayed in bed in tears… probably drowning my sadness in junk food and crappy movies. Only since I’ve had children of my own have I started to view this day as different.


Case in point - that was an impromptu message from my son while I was brewing my third cup of coffee today.

As I was saying… since I became a mother my entire outlook on life (and beyond) has changed. While I certainly have my days like anyone else, I no longer want to stay in bed and sulk. I want to talk about her. I want to educate others. I want her story heard. Her death was not in vain. Not if I have anything to say about it.

What better way to honor my beautiful mother than to share her story. So if you see this and feel so inclined, please consider sharing with those you know. Maybe you know someone going through a hard time - for whatever reason. Maybe someone needs an ear - or a shoulder. It can be as easy as a genuine smile. Or a warm embrace. Or just letting them know you’re there for them and you care.

Her name was Dee Wilson. She was 42. She had 5 children. And I will not let her be forgotten.

Thank you. 


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