Monday, November 14, 2011

Feliz Navidad, Yall!!!

Let's be honest, readers.... The holidays are coming. Whether we want to admit it or not- they are full steam ahead and on their way. Usually I go about my business, forgetting what day it is half the time until I hear something on facebook or from a friend. It happened again this year- just yesterday.

My friend Melissa mentioned on her facebook page (Seriously- best page ever. Check it out here - Cooking With Mel ) that Thanksgiving was next week. *BLINK* Yeah. Next freaking week. Once again the holidays have snuck upon me. Touché, Hallo-Thanks-Mas. Touché indeed.

Tabitha Fact #739: Tabitha LOVES the holidays. Despite the stress of shopping and financial issues and cooking and you name it.... I LOVE this time of year. The music and cheesy tv movies.... the family get togethers and traditions... I love it ALLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!

So, I want to hear from YOU. Are you in the holiday spirit already or are you ready for them all to be over already? Are you finished shopping or are you doing everything homemade this year? Lets hear it, folks!


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